BlockStarPlanet Wiki

BlockStars are the player’s avatars on BlockStarPlanet. The player can make multiple BlockStars and can customize them in many different ways.

As of the Phase 2 Update, making BlockStars block-by-block (Advanced Mode) was restricted to VIPs only. After many users complained, the advanced features restrictions were relaxed, meaning non-VIPs could now use it.


Each BlockStar has a building area of 16 x 16 x 16. Within this area a player can make visual and gameplay-related customizations to their BlockStar.
The following is a list of things the player can customize their BlockStar with:

  • Different Legs.
  • Different Eyes, 4 eyes can be placed on the BlockStar at maximum.
  • Blocks, of course, which are unlimited in supply and variety and bought at the shop. Many blocks can change colour theme and you can do that by clicking on the blocks on the blocks bar.
  • Building Tools, for example paint bucket and eraser, you can find them on the toolbar in the advanced section.
  • Triangular blocks. To make triangular blocks you click on the toolbar and in the advanced section you will find ways to turn a cubic block into a triangular one.
  • Skins, which are made by other players or yourself.
  • A Weapon so they can use it in battle.
  • Battle Powers. These can vary from BlockStar to BlockStar. As you level up, you unlock new abilities as well as the number of powers you can have in each BlockStar.
  • The ability to save your BlockStar as a draft if you want, incase if you are not ready to publish it.

